
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Good morning, Linda!

The following is something I wrote, as I envisioned God and me having a conversation, last fall. I try to read through this each day, in a prayerful state, listening to what God might want to say to me… or impress upon me… on that particular day. Believe it or not, there’s always something new that I believe He wants me to be aware of that day.

Be blessed, as you read and, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, in person, in an e-mail, or in the comment section. Thanks!


Good morning, Linda!

Be still and know… trust… that I am God, Linda.

I am Love, Goodness, Grace, and Mercy.

Thank You, Lord!

I worship and adore You.

Seek first, My kingdom and My righteousness, and I will provide all that you need today.

Thank You, Papa!

Your will be done… by me… today, LORD!! This… I pray.

Thank you, Linda!

Are you living, by faith, in My Son, Jesus Christ, Linda? Are you walking by faith, believing that you have been crucified with Christ on the cross with Him and the life you now live is by faith and not by sight, Linda?  Are you living by faith and not by sight, Honey?

Pause, and think about this, Linda… in your heart, mind, soul, body, and spirit. Please.

Yes, Lord. Yes, I will.

Have you put on… MY armor, this morning? Are you still wearing it and using it appropriately?

Pause, and think about this, dear Linda! I have provided you with all that you need for today.

Yes! Thank You, Papa! Thank You very much!

Walk by faith… with faith in Me… today, Linda. Walk closely with Me, Jesus Christ, and listen to My Holy Spirit… the TRUTH-TELLER… speaking truth to you.

Yes, Lord! Yes!

Listen for My “still, small voice”… continuously today, Linda.  Continuously.

Yes, Lord! Yes!

Be ready… to respond to whatever comes your way… with My love, My wisdom, My grace, and My mercy.

Yes, Lord! Yes!

Thank you, Linda! Thank you!

I will fill you continuously to overflowing with My Holy Spirit and with My Love, Peace, and Joy for this day… for whatever comes your way.

Thank You, Lord God Almighty! Thank You very much!

Yes, Linda! Yes!

Yes, Papa – Father, Lord, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit?

Remember that I will give you strength for today. I will show you the way through whatever you need to go through… and I will give you the words to say… words of wisdom, love, grace, and mercy… to share with others and to share with yourself, as well, Linda-Honey.

Thank You, dear Father-Papa! Thank You!

Yes, Honey! Yes! I will also forgive you, as you continue to forgive those who have sinned against you.

Yes, Lord! Yes! Thank You, dear Papa! Thank You for Your wonderful and great gift of forgiveness of my sins and for the sins of others!

You are very welcome, My Dearest and Beloved Daughter!

Now and throughout today… whatever you do, whatever you say, whatever you think or believe, do it as being “one with Me… Jesus Christ” AND “one with the body of Christ”… in community with other believers, Linda… for My purposes and for My glory. Okay, Honey?

Yes, LORD! Yes!

In the name of Jesus, I pray and ask these things… today. Amen and AMEN!! Hallelujah! AMEN!

Thank you, Linda. I am with you… now… and, throughout this day…and forevermore! AMEN!

Thank You, Lord God Almighty! I praise and thank You for who You are and for all You do and are doing for me and for others, for our good and for Your great glory! I will continue to pray, praise, and thank You, throughout this day! Amen and Amen and Amen! Hallelujah! AMEN!

Thank you, Linda. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Nothing can snatch you from My hand.

Thank You, Papa!

Now, go in Peace…My peace.

Thank You, Papa!

The Peace of the Lord shall be with you, always, Linda! Forever… and ever!!


2012-10-31, 1252

Precious Linda, in silent prayer with God, c. 2012

Note: You may copy this conversational prayer and insert your name or edit it for your personal use. Precious Linda

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